Monday, October 22, 2012

Odd day at the gym

Jerks, Jerks, Jerk! In today's training I did pretty good on Snatch: 130 for a single and 120 for a double.  While trying 125 for a double I ripped my strap and my hand flew off the bar on the second rep... Once I got to Clean and Jerk, I did terrible.  I did the same weight on Clean and Jerk as I did Snatch.  I have not done that since my first weightlifting meet.  I was irritated with my Cleans so I just went on to Jerks.  Then what happens?  I get a PR Jerk of 170 kg from behind the neck!  Strange. Overall it was an odd day at the gym.   Thanks for reading.

Stay Strong,

James Tatum

Oh, and the coupon code 172kg for 10% off your entire order at is still good until the 31st!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Slowly but surely my Front Squat is coming around! 172 kg was a PR set of 3 for me.  One of my issues with the squat is going down too slow and not catching the bounce out of the bottom.  I am finally starting to catch the bounce on my front squats and cleans.  I am hoping to be able to clean and  jerk this weight in the near future!

I will be lifting at the American Open Weightlifting Championships on Saturday December 1st at 2pm.  304kg total is still the goal. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

In house Competition

Here is a video of our in house competition on Wednesday.  In house competitions are great to add a little extra intensity. Tom Sroka, Mike Szela, and Jessica North all made PR's. I totaled 285kg at 78.7kg body weight with a 135kg snatch which is the closest I have gotten to my 137kg PR (at a higher weight class).  I had more in the tank, but missed the jerk on 158kg twice which would have been a PR total.  For the next 3 weeks my focus is Jerks, Jerks, and more Jerks!  304kg total is on the way.

Stay Strong,

James Tatum

Some Tatum's Representing!