Wednesday, January 30, 2013


For those of you who have read some of my other blogs you will know that I am big on setting goals.  I recently reached a goal I had set for my self over a year ago.  140kg snatch and a 160kg clean and jerk for a 300kg total.

140/160 was my outcome goal.  I also set smaller goals to help me reach that goal; which where to get a weightlifting bar, find a training partner, get sponsored, find a coach, and compete at a national level.  So after I set these goals I first went to the Arnold Classic (which was a the national championship in 2012) and competed against people who where far my superior as an 85kg lifter.  I snatched 130 and clean and jerked 153 at that meet for a 10th place finish.  A few months latter I got a chance to try out for Glenn Pendlay's new Muscle Driver Team! If I got on the team it would help me to get to train with a Pendlay weightlifting bar, have great training partners, get a coach, and get sponsored.  It sounded to good to be true.

Coach Pendlay ended up inviting me to the team about a week after the meet.  So we moved out to the Charlotte area so I could train full time with Team MDUSA.  6 months later I finally met my outcome goal of 140/160 as a 77kg lifter (a weight-class lighter).  How all these things worked themselves into place was a blessing.  Even though there were times when not getting a Snatch PR in over a year was discouraging, I focused on the getting the process goals completed which led to an achieved goal.

Now it is time for me to set new goals

Outcome Goals

  1. Clean and Jerk 170kg
  2. Compete at an International Level 
  3. Total over 304kg in competition

Process Goals

  1. Get soft tissue work done at least once a month
  2. Compete with more 77kg lifters in training like Chris Gute and Jake Rubash 
  3. Get at least a 290 kg total on Max Out Fridays!
Thanks for reading

Stay Strong,

James Tatum


  1. Congratulations man! You have been crushing it recently! Good luck at the Arnold!

    Ps- what was up with the pink when you hit 140?

  2. Thanks! The pink singlet was to put myself out of my comfort zone. Got to try different things to help motivate myself to keep the intensity up.

  3. Hey James well done on reaching your goals and also on your 170 clean.

    I wanted to ask your advice on what you think I need work on looking at my numbers
    Currently (just turned 18 yesterday) bodyweight 77-79kg - snatch 75kg, clean and jerk 90kg, clean 100kg, back squat 140kg, front squat 120kg, deadlift 160kg,


  4. with just seeing the numbers, if you get better technique then you could perform higher percentages of your snatch and clean & jerk compared to your squat (unless you are really tall). I would also work on just getting stronger at the squat. hope this helps
