Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week 1 Day 3

Day 3

Hang Snatch from below knee
3 sets of 2 reps with 90 seconds of rest

Klokov Complex (deadlift+ 3 snatch hang pulls+ snatch)
3 sets of 1 complex with 90 seconds of rest

Hang Clean and Jerk (from below the knee)
3 sets of 2 reps with 90 seconds of rest

Shankle Complex (deadlift+3 hang clean pulls+hang clean + 2 jerks)
3 sets of 1 complex with 90 seconds of rest 

Front Squat
3 sets of 5 reps with 2 minutes and 30 seconds of rest 


  1. 1. 165# - weights felt heavy
    2. 160#, 165#, 170# - did 2 pulls instead of 3 - first time with complex
    Rest for 1 hour while taught class
    3. 215#, 220#, 225# - did this as (1+1)x2x3 vs (2+1)x3
    4. 215#, 225#x2 - first time with complex
    5. 275# (82%) - failed 5th rep on final set

  2. If you find lower hang snatches harder than high hang snatches (or cleans) you might want to really focus on setting your lower back before lowering the bar below the knees for the hang snatch. Also drill the transition past the knees a lot before you get to your work sets. Everything else looks good!

  3. Normally, I find them easier. Weight just felt heavy today across the board. Possibly due to the increased training volume this week. For past 5 months, I have followed Catalyst Athletics for snatch and clean & jerk AND either the burgener squat program or the wendler program.

    Here is the video from today - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8oh_idrM0s
