Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week 1 Day 5

Snatch Max

Clean and Jerk Max

Back Squat
Find your 5 RM

No lifting on day 6 and 7.  We will start back up on week 2 day 1!


  1. 1. 205#. Only a 3# PR, but the lift was solid.
    2. 266#. Only a 1# PR. Jerk was solid. Old 1RM was forward and a pressout.
    3. 315# for 5RM.

    I had a crossfit competition on Saturday which had a light, but high volume barbell complex. No lifting Sunday.

  2. 1. snatch- miss
    1.b. pR C&J 255
    2. 5rm B squat 245
