Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 3 Day 1

This week you should expect to really start getting the hang of the exercises and should be able to use more weight.

Hang Snatch from mid thigh (use Straps)
3 sets of 2 reps with 90 seconds of rest
Should be able to use considerably more weight this week.

Hang Snatch from mid thigh (use Straps)
3 sets of 3 reps with 90 seconds of rest
Use more weight than last week (Form is more important than weight)

Rest 15 minutes before completing the rest of this workout

Hang Clean from mid thigh + 2 Jerks
3 sets with 90 seconds of rest

Jerks from the BLOCKS (no from the rack)
3 sets of 3 reps with 90 seconds of rest
use more weight than last week

Back Squat
3 sets of 7 reps with 2 minutes and 30 seconds of rest
Use 5-10% more weight than last week

A tip from Travis Cooper and I:  If you are trying to move up a weight class you should experience what is called a "Temple Pump".  Meaning you should eat so much food that your temples should be burning.  Also the food should be high quality and not easy to chew processed food.


  1. Not a good day, although did have some PRs

    1. 170x2 (PR), 175 (PR)
    2. 150 (10# increase)
    3. 210 - cleans felt awful today
    4. 245 (15# increase)
    5. 305

  2. Not a good day for me either...

    Started out pretty good
    1. 160#, 165#(PR), 170# (PR)
    2. 135# (5# increase) all sets no misses

    Then after the break...

    3. 190# press out on 2nd jerk
    Then went for 200#, but can only clean it and aggravated injured left wrist
    4. No blocks so did rack jerk couldn't do more than 155# for 1 rep
    Don't know how to jerk with finger tips only. Any tips on how to do that?

    5. Backsquat
    215# x 7
    225# x 7 (5# increase)
    235# x 7 (10# increase)

  3. I would not force doing jerks with your fingertips just do them the way that feels most natural. But i find that lowering my elbows below the bar before i dip drive helps when i only have my finger tips on the bar.
