Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 4 Day 1

Starting to back off on volume this week.  You should start feeling fresh by Wednesday!

Hang Snatch from mid thigh (use Straps)
3 sets of 2 reps with 2 minutes of rest

Hang Clean from mid thigh + 2 Jerks
3 sets with 2 minutes of rest

Back Squat
1 set of 7 reps with 2 minutes and 30 seconds of rest
Use 5-10% more weight than last week

And a video just for fun!


  1. Is it just 1 set of 7 reps? Or still 3 sets of 7 reps on the back squat?

  2. Just 1 set of 7 you can use a little more weight than normal

  3. 1. 165#, 170#, 175# (PR)
    2. 175#, 185#, 205#(PR)
    3. 245# x 7 (5% increase)
